She is the daughter of Demeter, Greek goddess of the harvest, and Zeus, the Greek god of the sky. Persephone is the Greek goddess of vegetation and grain. Hades Sees Persephone Plutus and Demeter, Apulian red-figure loutrophoros C4th B.C., The J. Instead, he would reside in the underworld, watching over the souls who had died. As god of the underworld, Hades did not reside on Mount Olympus with his brothers and sisters. Zeus would rule the sky, Poseidon would rule the sea, and Hades would rule the underworld. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were brothers and needed to decide which god would rule which area of the universe, so they divided the universe and drew lots. In some versions of the story, Iris was to fetch Persephone from the Underworld.After the Olympians had defeated their Titan ancestors, they came to rule the universe.Still missing the heavenly world above in Mount Olympus. Hermes managed to reassure Demeter and told Persephone the news, she pretended to be extremely happy but when he left, she was crying in Hades' arms. Meanwhile, at Mount Olympus, Demeter gone ballistic upon Hermes' silly deal. "Thanks, but still, I don't trust you." Persephone joked. Then she blushed and started to get nervous but remained calm then she said He said nothing, then flew away with just a few words. "Did you eat anything? Did Hades hurt you?" Hermes spotted Persephone too, and asked. Persephone saw Hermes, and was very scared. "If she hasn't eaten, I will have to take her back. "Demeter would have my head for this if I fail!" Then, he came up with a question. "Hades, I come to bring Persephone back to Mount Olympus." Hermes was alarmed by this, so he told Dementer and the gods.ĭementer was devastated, her sweet little goddess was just abducted by Hades! She got so worried by this news, she told Hermes to come and fetch her from the Underworld. But he was too late, Hades already captured Persephone and brought her to the Underworld. As that happened, Hermes heard her from above, riding his chariot, and he heard that happen. She looked at Hades and made a signal to catch her. Then, Persephone pretended to be scared, then screamed and ran away. "I don't think I'd kidnap you with your permission." Hades said, smiling. Persephone was touched, "Then I allow you to kidnap me." Hades kissed Persephone, "Because I love you." Persephone was surprised, but not for going to the Underworld, "Why me?" Hades' blank face started to form a smirk, "If I wanted to kidnap you, take you to the Underworld and make you my queen, would you be surprised?" Persephone stared at him in shock, giggled and said, "No, not exactly. Hades put his hand under her chin and asked, "Do you trust me, then?" Persephone scowled, "I don't know, sometimes she can be so overprotective!" "You should always trust your mother." Hades stepped into the light. "My friends Athena, Aphrodite and my mother." Hades tried to smile sweetly, but couldn't. If you are the King of the Underworld, I've been warned about you by everyone." "My name is Persephone, goddess of spring and daughter of Demeter. "My name is Hades, the god-King of the Underworld." Hades was there to kidnap her, for his love for her. Persephone was in the glade, picking some flowers, until she saw something behind the trees. Persephone and Hades were on completely different sides of the world, until Hades kidnapped her.